Life in the Slow Lane

Life in the Slow Lane

Thursday, June 23, 2005

SPD-Bail Out

I was at The Cancer Agency yesterday for my doctor‘s appointment and I fully intended to take a self-portrait in the loo while I was there. I even told my mom to remind me as my brain is not too retentive these days and any info, relevant or useless, oozes out like drool from a baby. Slowly and messily. Unfortunately my mom is the same way and that combined with an intrinsic need to flee the building once the doctor gives me all my prescriptions and appointments left me without a theme photo today.

Instead I am sort of filling the void with an updated South Park portrait. Honestly, this pic looks so much like me I am a little alarmed. I am slowly working to possibly posting a bald picture of myself in the near future. My mom (AKA: The Impartial Third Party) swears I look as cute as a bug in a rug. Frankly, I have to admit that seeing myself in the mirror without hair is still a little unnerving for me. While I am not really a ‘wig’ person (not a natural one anyway) but I am not really a ‘bald head’ person either. I don’t think I have the wardrobe to pull it off. That rock star persona. That is my excuse and I am sticking to it. However, when I see bald shots of other cancer folk I think they look great so I know it is something in my head (not on it) that I have to get over.


Squirl said...

It must be hard having to face the no-hair look in the mirror. I want to say all kinds of brave stuff but I don't really know how I'd handle it if it were me. I do have to say that your personality and sense of humor really shine through your writing. Now that I think about it, I don't know how being bald could really detract from the strong, beautiful human being that you are. Sorry if that was rambling. I've had a half glass of wine. I'm a cheap date. :-)

Kranki said...

Squirl-that is so sweet. You brought tears to my eyes. Cheap date or not you are very kind. Thank you. You are bolstering my courage to unveil my baldness. Hmmmm...

Anonymous said...

I was never brave enough to go public with my baldness. But you can bet that as soon as I got in the car at the end of the work day, that wig was flung to the passenger seat (it was winter, so it was dark when I left work).

I'm sure Mom Poo is right, and you are cute. We'd love to see a pic if you're so inclined.

Susie said...

You have a beautiful heart and spirit, like squirl says. You also have a beautiful face. You have a face that could get away with bald-by-choice, even. Honest you do. Uh oh, that makes me think of a Sam Cooke song. Sam Cooke songs are always appropriate:
Darling you oo oo ooh
Send me . . .
Honest you do, honest you do . . .

Opera Gal said...

but vK- you SO have the rocknroll attitude and taste and music collection to oull this off, that you setting a fashion trend is the pretty much the direction you're going. Sorry to break it you...

Kranki said...

sharkey- I do that with pantyhose at the end of the day. I can't even imagine a wig. I have only worn one a couple times but with hair tucked underneith and that was sooo itchy. I can't even imagine with no hair, either. At least it wasn't summer and hot for you.

mrtl-ooooh. That sounds great. You might just entice me to take that pic, you know.

susie-you are so good to me. your support means a lot. And I have to say my bald defenses are falling. My hand is reaching for that camera....

whfropera-if only my head could play my music collection and project my inner rock star to the world. I have a feeling summer heat might play more of a part in my bald headedness than the thought of setting a trend. Now if I was 18 again it might be the other way around.

LadyBug said...

I'm just giggling, here, at the thought of you leaning over to your mom and saying, "Oh, yeah, Mom, while we're at the cancer doctor, don't let me forget to take a picture of myself in the bathroom."

Kranki said...

ladybug-YEP! That took some 'splaining.