Life in the Slow Lane

Life in the Slow Lane

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Spoiled Rotten

I just remembered this. One year when it was either Mother’s Day or Father’s Day I was sitting next to my dad on the couch. I was looking over all the sweet gifties that had been given and I said to my dad, “You guys are so lucky. Look at all those great gifts. I wish there was a Kids’ Day.” My dad looked at me and in the most bitter voice I have ever heard barked, “EVERYDAY IS KIDS’ DAY!!!!”

I think I laughed for about an hour afterwards.


Ern said...

I got that line once myself. Ha. Obviously they didn't remember the rules and restrictions and bedtimes and punishment and school and homework that kids have to go through.

Candy said...

Everyday is kids day and that just rocks.