Life in the Slow Lane

Life in the Slow Lane

Monday, October 31, 2005

I am sick and mean...

Halloween 2005

In light of her recent weight gain... SUMO!!!!

For her boyfriends Linus and Oscar. Like a virgin indeed!


eclectic said...

Oh, oh, oh! That's horrible, and like a trainwreck, I can't stop staring at it! That's the funniest thing I ever saw!! Where did you get those costumes????

Closet Metro said...

I hope she'll forgive you someday. What a horrible way to ruing a friendship. :P

Squirl said...

Usually when I write LOL I'm just chuckling a little. I'm really laughing out loud here. I had to show Ichabod. He thinks Sumo wrestlers are cool. He also says that Madonna was the spokesperson of his generation.

Yoshi really loves you to let you dress her up like that.


Anonymous said...

Oh, that Madonna pic is HILARIOUS!

Happy Halloween, Kranki!

Kassi Gilbert said...

you rock so much. thank you for that.

Anonymous said...

Oh My Gosh! Who knew a cat with cone hoots could make my day?! Yoshi is so lucky to live with a costume designer.

Happy and Blue 2 said...

Happy Halloween, meanie..

Susie said...

You are so sick and mean! I blove you! Major awards are needed, here.

KULA said...

You crack my sh*t up. I LOVE the lacy panties and cones! Thanks for making my day! I just chorkled!

Anonymous said...

You are an evil genius and I LURVE YOU.

Jeanie said...

That's hysterically funny.
What is she going to be for Christmas?

Dawn said...

that is the funniest thing i've ever seen, lmao. the sumo is priceless, i love it!

ScottyGee said...

I think Madonnas career has been resurected!


magical_m said...

I laughed so hard my flatmates had to come and see what was so funny.

Flatmate B wants to know what breed Yoshi is because she looks just like her cat Wyllo. Who is currently residing with her ex.

Anonymous said...

OMG - and *you* think *I'm* mean for the raisins?

LadyBug said...

Oh. My. Gosh. That is abso-freakin-lutely HILARIOUS. The Madonna pic? PRICELESS.

hemlock said...

YOU. ARE. SO. MEAN!!! I agree a train wreck.

I only fold my cats' ears down to make them look like little lambs or lightly tie their 'mouse on a string' to their tails....

That's not nearly as mean.

c said...

Y'know what I find the funniest? Not the cones or even the panties.

The lace bow.

It just KILLS me.

And the sumo hair. My god, the sumo hair.

I blove you, Miss Krankster!

(OH! I have to email you about Your Henry!!)

Candy said...

That is so awesome and fabulous. Yoshi is the cutest trick or treater I have seen.

Opera Gal said...

Linus seems to be spending an inordinate amount of time by himself in the bathroom today with a printout of Yoshis picture...

Ern said...


The weird thing is, she doesn't even seem that pissed.

Anonymous said...

I love the Madonna one the best too!


Kranki said...

eclectic-I made those costumes with fabric scraps and a glue gun.

closet m-tuna was offered and all was forgiven.

squirl-thanks for sharing the laughs with Ichabod. Yoshi is the best to let me abuse her so...

sharkey-hope your Halloween was great. The Madonna one cracked me up the most too.

twisted u-that is some crazy rumour, huh?

kassi-I have to admit I get plenty of my own jollies doing this. Glad that others are amused too.

kalki-Yoshi might think it is a curse to live with me. It is only once a year though.

happy and blue 2-yes, I am a meanie and proud of it.

spoonie-is it wrong that I taped the bow onto her head?

susie-thanks for that. I think I might of outdone myself. Must do even better next year...

dima-did milk come out of your nose?

amanda b-mwaahahahahah!

mrtl-good thing as this might traumatise Bug. Cone bras on cats =wrong!

jeans-my christmas gift to her might be to leave her alone.

blogaholic-so glad this tickled your funny bone in a major way.

scottie gee-if Yoshi moves to England and falls of a horse I expect to see some of her money PRONTO!

precisiongirl-1000 of cats not forced into skirts? That is just wrong.

magical m-Yoshi is a lilac point siamese. Half traditional and half extreme shaped head. Weird, huh?

hanni-I totally admit to my meaness. But I didn't call you mean. I said raisins are mean and they are. You are nice.

ladybug-this costume was inspired by a comment from mrtl. So glad I did it.

divine calm-Yoshi loves to please me. Tuna bribes don't hurt either.

leafgirl77-tying mouses onto tails is pretty mean. Good for you!

misfit-can't wait to hear all about my boyfriend. CAN'T WAIT!

jessica r-I would have taken her out trick or treating if catnip was on offer.

whfropera-litterbox literature or kitty porn?

ern-she was pretty pissed about the Madonna "gloves" but she knows resistence is futile.

circe-my fav too. I laughed until I needed a nap.

Closet Metro said...

Tuna? I should have known you would have a "get out of jail free card" up your sleeve before commiting such a crime.

Candy said...

Yoshi, Wobbles saw you and he was so taken by you that he posed for a photo of his own to send to you... I posted it for him, he hopes you like it.

Torrie said...

This made my night.

Anonymous said...


You know your kitty would be completely justified in murdering in your bed some night:)