In light of her recent weight gain... SUMO!!!!
For her boyfriends Linus and Oscar. Like a virgin indeed!
Mrtl tells me their colour is called ‘Melon’ and that is why she thought two was better than one. I couldn’t agree more. The first thing I thought when I saw them was that they were breast cancer pink. I also thought their feet were actually bows on their heads.
Nope, they are definitely feet. Silly me. So thank you very much Mrtl for my two new bosom buddies. They sit on my monitor and watch over me as I blog every day.
I love that she purrs and talks back when she is getting into trouble.
I love it that she gets my attention at the computer by reaching up her paw so I can kiss it.
I love that under the covers she presses her freezing cold feet against my legs to get them warm again.
I love it when she moans in annoyance when I kiss her when she is sleeping.
I love it that she is able to find the exact centre of the bed to sleep on so I have to find space of my own around her.
I love that when I hit the snooze button in the morning she will lick my eyelids just to make sure I get up.
I love that I am her most favourite person in the universe and she looks at me with love and trust.
I love it that she has the uncanniest sense of time and will notify me that her 6 pm dinnertime has arrived. Right…on…the…dot!
I love it that she is so cuddly and wants to be near me (better yet, ON me) constantly.
I love it when she escapes into the hallway, meowing with glee, drunk with freedom and then gets so scared she runs back inside again.
I love it when she puts her ears back so her head resembles a wedge.
I love her big nose.
I love that she loves to be squeezed and have her head crushed.
I love that she lets me dress her up in Halloween costumes.
And please go visit Sharkey who had to make the hardest decision about her sick dog Penny today. She and JP need love and hugs.